Have you ever got into the position of asking yourself what your audience might think about your product? If not, then conducting a survey will be your answer.

“A survey is a tool that helps us know about our audience. This helps us understand how effective our product is and how we can improve it with user input”.

In this guide, we will walk through how to conduct an effective Survey. Let’s jump in.

Importance of Surveys:

Sometimes it’s important to know what your audience thinks of your product. It helps you to improve your product in a better way because whatever you have launched is for people and if people have input in its improvement they will like it more. The importance of surveys can be further explained in the following lines:

  • A survey gives your unbiased opinion of people regarding your product.
  • It can be used as a guidance tool for further product improvement.
  • Data obtained from surveys can help you make smarter and more effective decisions.

Types of Surveys:

Different types of surveys are used for different purposes. We will be discussing a few of them:

  • Online Surveys: This helps you reach your customers through online mediums. If a customer buys something from your online store, they are asked to fill out a form at the end of their shopping and after a few days, they are approached and asked about a review of their product.
  • In-Person Surveys: This type of survey is in which your representative approaches customers in person and asks their opinion regarding the product they bought from your store. This allows more engaging meetings and more elaborate question-answer sessions.
  • Phone Surveys: This is a survey where you can call your customer and ask about the product. All the data is recorded and then used to improve the product.

Steps of Conducting Survey:

Conducting a survey is a systemic approach where you have to take your survey stepwise further. If any of the steps is missed, it will lead to an incomplete survey and you won’t get the desired results. So, every step must be carefully considered. We will explain every step in detail to give a better understanding of the survey.

Step 1: Explain Your Goals:

Before you start writing a survey, you need to know your goal and why you are conducting this survey. You need to answer the following queries to proceed further.

  • What information you want from your customer? Whether this survey concerns customer feedback or an employee opinion.
  • You should know how this information will help you further, whether you are trying to improve your product or understand your employees’ needs.
  • What is your target audience, and how can this survey be directed toward them?

Step 2: Know Your Audience:

A company or service provider needs to know their audience. Through this, it is easy to design a questionnaire to obtain the data from users. Data that will help to analyze and make product more friendly to users.

By knowing our audience, we can select a medium to reach them. For example, if our users are young, we can design an online survey because most of our users have an online presence.

Step 3: Choosing Your Survey Type

After knowing your audience, you should now analyze which type of survey will help you get the most out of your audience.

Here is the breakdown of some popular surveys with pros and cons to help determine which one suites you better:

  • Online surveys can easily be circulated and help you reach more audiences, but the drawback is that customers who don’t have internet service will be left out.
  • The in-person survey is more effective in conducting it at a more personal level but can be time-consuming and expensive.
  • Phone surveys are effective among those people who don’t have internet access but it has a low response rate and most people disconnect their phone once they know a company representative has called.

Step 4: Crafting Effective Survey Questions

This is the most important step of a survey. You can’t get information from your audience if you don’t know how to make an effective survey question. You are supposed to make a questionnaire that is easy to understand and uses your native language. Here are some more tips on making effective survey questions:

  •  To be unbiased in your survey, it is important to avoid asking leading questions that can lead to a specific answer. Always leave questions open so that the audience has an open choice to answer.
  • Focus on the wording of the question. Ask one question at a time. For example, stop asking questions like this: Do you like the price and quality of our product?
  • If you are designing a questionnaire with multiple-choice questions, be clear in your answers to make it easy for the audience to choose.

Step 5: Building Your Survey Questionnaire

You have made your questions, so it’s time to convert them into a questionnaire.

  • Remember to design your questionnaire in a user-friendly language that the audience understands.
  • Maintain a flow in your questions. Always start with simple questions and then proceed to the most advanced ones.
  • Keep it concise and always ask your audience whether they understood the question. You should have a set of questions if someone doesn’t understand it so it can be replaced immediately.
  • Give clear instructions at the start of the survey. Ask them if they have not understood any part of the survey and always be there when they have doubts answering a question.

Step 6: Launching Your Survey

You are done with the preparation of your survey. It’s time to launch your survey. If you launch your survey in such a way that it doesn’t reach the required audience, it will be a failure. Similarly, there are many other things that you are supposed to take care of when launching your survey. Here are some tips:

  • Choose your platform wisely. You have done your research and kept that research in mind beforelaunching your survey. If it is launched properly, you will get the results you require.
  • Inform your customers about your survey through text messages, emails, and social media. Encourage them to participate in the survey and give feedback.
  • If possible, give some incentive at the end of your survey. This will increase the response rate. If the initial response is low, don’t be disheartened and send a reminder again forparticipation.

Step 7: Analyzing Your Results:

It’s the end point of your survey. Gather all the questionnaires that you have distributed among your audience. Give a task to your team for entering the data into the computer for further analysis. Categorize your data so that it is easy to differentiate later on. Here are some more tips on how to analyze and organize your survey results:

  • Simplify your data variable. Use software for analyses that you are familiar with and that is up to date. Once you have labeled your data, it is easy to enter.
  • Dig further into the relationship of different components of your data. Make proper flowcharts and pie charts for better understanding.
  • Once you finish the results, call a meeting and implement what you have gotten from your results.


Congratulations! You have conducted one of the most amazing and detailed survey. Now, it’s time for you to put your results into action. Analyzing the data gives insight into what your customers want and how you can improve your product. This helps you make an informed decision about your product.

Whether launching a new product, improving customer care, or simply asking the public, a survey is a powerful tool that enables you to take action based on real data. Don’t be afraid to ask your customers for feedback in the shape of a survey because this is some brutal truth that can make you stand among the toppers if proper action on results is taken.

Sample Survey: How was your experience in a movie theater:

Thank you for visiting our theater. Now, we would like you to ask some questions about your experience. This will help us improve our quality and customer care services. Your honest feedback will help improve your experience better for the next time. If you find it difficult to understand the question, raise your hand, and our representative will help you.

Estimated time: 3 Minutes

  1. How often do you visit our theater?
    Less than once a month
    Once a month
    3 times a month
    More than 3 times a month
  2. How satisfied are you with our cleanliness?
    Very satisfied
  3. Rate the comfort of our seats in the theater.
    Very Dissatisfied
    Very Satisfied
  4. How satisfied are you with the picture quality of our theater?
    Very Dissatisfied
    Very Satisfied
  5. Do you typically purchase food while watching a movie?
    If yes (Question 5), How satisfied are you with our food quality?
    Very Dissatisfied
    Very Satisfied
  6. If yes (Question 5), How satisfied are you with the different deals offered at the food court?
    Very Dissatisfied
    Very Satisfied

    Is there anything else you want to share about your experience? Kindly share your experience.


Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts with us.

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