A cover letter is the short introduction that you send with your resume. It introduces you properly to the recruiter. This document is a deciding factor for employers to decide whether to hire you because a resume is often a short form of what you have done in the past, but a resume tells them how you have done it. It increases your chances of getting hired. This blog will discuss writing a compelling cover letter to get you a job. Let us get started.

Why Writing a Cover Letter Is Important:

It is necessary to attach your cover letter with your resume because:

  • It’s the only way to stand in the crowd. Most people don’t consider attaching a cover letter important while sending a resume. A cover letter is your way of telling the employer how important this job is for you and how interested you are in joining the company.
  • A cover letter is your real-time experience story of how you have done things in the past, while a resume only tells about what you have done.
  • It highlights your communication skills and expresses your passion for the job.

Step-By-Step Explanation of How to Craft A Cover Letter:

Now its time we divide how to write a cover letter into pieces and explain it individually.

  1. Gathering Information:
  2. This is the first step of writing a cover letter. Take a pen and paper out and mark everything important in the job description. Now convert that rough writing into a clean paper and mark it whatever is required. Tick once you have collected or done the required part.
  3. Search in detail about the company that is offering the job. Do detailed research on the company offering a job. Understand their goals and mission. This will show your genuine interest.
  4. Structure and Formatting:
  5. If you are new and have never written a cover letter before, I will never recommend writing it yourself. Get professional help.
  6. Add the necessary information if the company wants to contact you.
  7. Don’t write lengthy paragraphs. Your cover letter should be 250-400 words or less. Hiring managers are busy, and they don’t have more than a few minutes for each resume.
  8. Select Arial or New Times Roman font and avoid any grammatical mistakes while writing your cover letter.
  9. What to write in a cover letter:

Let us divide it into three further parts:

  1. Introduction:
  2. It should be one or two paragraphs. Keep it short.
  3. Write how you found out about this job.
  4. Start with a catchy hook line that will keep the hiring manager hooked.
  5. Body Paragraph:
  6. Highlight the relevant skills that suit the job description and explain why you are the best fit for this job.
  7. Use the STAR method. It’s by telling a Situation in which you were given a Task that you completed by taking some Action and ending by explaining the Result.
  8. Write about the company and tell them why you want to get a job here and what fascinated you about the company.
  9. Conclusion:
  10. Sum up your qualities and passion for the job.
  11. Mention your available dates for possible interview (this will tell them how confident you are)
  12. End your cover letter by thanking the hiring manager.

          4.  Proof Reading and Editing:

  • This is the last step but an essential step because if you have written a fantastic cover letter, but it has a typing mistake, then what kind of impression will it have on the hiring manager?
  • Ask an expert to review your cover letter for any possible changes or format changes.

Portfolio link should be attached with the cover letter, and a guide for making an exceptional cover letter is here.


Following these small but necessary steps will help you write a compelling cover letter that will increase your chances of landing the job more than those who are without a cover letter. Always remember that a well-written cover letter shows how professional, qualified, and the right person you are for the job.

How to write a an email for attaching the cover letter for scholarship applications of job are discussed here.